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Informace k zápisům do prvních tříd - anglická verze

5.8.2019, , Zdroj: Verlag Dashöfer

Informace k zápisům do prvních tříd – anglická verze

Bc. Lenka Polášková

Enrolment in the first class

  • Opening of compulsory school attendance of child is governed by regulation § 36 paragraph 3 act no. 561/2004 Coll., School Act, as amended, therefore – opens at the start of school year, which follows after the day, when child reaches 6th year of age, unless postponement or early boarding is allowed (see below).

  • Each elementary school has on its web pages published concrete information about "Enrolment“. Obligation of legal custodian of child is to turn out with a child to the enrolment. Since 2017 will the enrolment into elementary schools be held on the time since 1st of April until 30th of April of calendar year, in which child has to start with compulsory school attendance.

  • During the enrolment in the school parent obtains "Request for admission of child in the 1. class“, registration number (serves as a notification of admission, or as rejection of child into elementary school on publicly accessible place in school and on the school web).

  • "Request for admission of child in 1. class“, fill out carefully and afterwards – before entering the class, where "Enrolment“ takes place – pass for inspection along with birth certificate of child and identity card of parents.

  • Announcement of decision about admittance or rejection of pupil into 1. class school is obliged 30 days from the day of procedure of enrolment to publish under the assigned registration number on publicly accessible place in school (for example glass door by the entrance) and on the school web.

  • Publication of the list is considered decision regarding admittance announced, written decision regarding admittance is not sent nor given to the legal
